Plains and Prairies
This week we read through and annotated a new article about the plains. Students read the article once, made annotations and asked questions. Then, we read the article as a class and started to share the questions about the plains that we came up with. Here's some of the questions our students asked about the plains.
Ask your child what they learned about the prairies. What questions do they have? What connections did they make?
Ask your child what they learned about the prairies. What questions do they have? What connections did they make?
Patterns and Robotics
Building off of our understanding of repeating and growing patterns, this week we designed repeating and growing patterns that our robots could understand. First, students used coding blocks to design a repeating and a growing pattern. Next, the students used their designs to program their robots to act out the patterns. Check out some of our work.
Ask your child if they chose a growing or repeating pattern. What did they program dash to do?
Ask your child if they chose a growing or repeating pattern. What did they program dash to do?
"The Magic Treehouse: Twister on Tuesday"
We started a new brief novel that connects to our inquiry into the prairies. This week we started the Magic Treehouse novel Twister on Tuesday in which, Jack and Annie are transported to the past and have to find their way to a prairie schoolhouse when a twister touches down in the town. Using the descriptions in the novel to guide us, we sketched our visualizations.
Ask your child to summarize the story. What do they think will happen next?
Ask your child to summarize the story. What do they think will happen next?
Winter Has Arrived
It has been cold out. If it's warmer than -19 out, then we will be going outside for recess every day. Please ensure that your child has warm winter clothes (Coat, toque, mittens, snow
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