Owls, Patterns, and Magnets *Updated Passion Project*

Report Cards

We will be moving to online report cards this year.  This will help us save much needed money for other uses within the school.  
At the end of the day on December 17th, PowerSchool will allow parents to log in and see their child’s report card for this first term (see directions below).  Your child’s report card can be printed or saved for later viewing.  For those that feel they need a hard copy, please contact the office for this request.   

How to Access Digital Report Cards

  • Sign into your My CBE/PowerSchool at My CBE/PowerSchool Account
  • Click on your child’s name at top of page
  • Click on “Grades and Attendance
  • Click on “Report Card”
  • Click on “Report Card  open”
  • Save to pdf or print for your records
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
WoThe Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
Wow! What an amazing play. Lions, real sword fights, and talking beavers. We had a blast at the performance. Ask your child what they enjoyed most about the show and live theater. 

We have been continuing to hone our pattern building and understanding skills. We went back to our pattern designs and built upon them to include repeating patterns that include five elements and repeat at least three times, as well as growing patterns that start at one element and grow into five elements. After that we went back to the robots to try and program them to carry out our programs. Here is some of our coding work. 

We have also started working with the open number line to solve double-digit addition questions. Students are encouraged to break apart the smallest number, start from the biggest number on the number line, and then make efficient jumps to the sum. Here is are some of the problems we worked on.

Magnets! This week we started our inquiry into magnets! We went over the scientific process and then made some hypotheses about what sort of things are affected my magnetism. Finally we tested our hypotheses. Here is a short video of part of our experiment.

Descriptive Writing
Moving on from our descriptive insect writing, we are now working on descriptive prairie writing. We have been brainstorming great descriptive words for prairie specific topics.

Owls in the Family
We have started a new novel study that should take us to the break. This week we started reading Owls in the Family by Farley Mowat. We have read the first four chapters so far. We are reading this book to go along with our study of the prairie. We have encountered so much great descriptive writing about the prairie so far. Below is a link to an audiobook, in which the creator also goes through some of the important prairie vocabulary. Enjoy.

Owls in the Family Chapter 1

🌟🌟🌟Passion Project🌟🌟🌟
Students are invited to do a Passion Project at home if they please. This is a project where students can research anything that they would like to learn more about. Some students like to extend their learning and continue researching about our class inquiry. Other students like to research something completly different. Some ideas are animals, dinosaurs, ocean life, space, cooking, coding, theater, sports, etc. Students can present their project any way they please. Students who use google slides can share with me: chacraig@educbe.ca (please note this is my gmail account. Please use my CBE email for all other inquiries chacraig@cbe.ab.ca). We will have 3 sharing times - Last week in December, in March, and end of June. If you have any questions, please let me know! 
