March Updates

Hello Families! 

We continue to learn about many things this week!

Today, on Friday, we watched this video during Health to help us understand what we can do to stay healthy. CO-VID 19 in Cartoons

Subtraction and Cookie Monster Math:
Students continue to learn about double digit subtraction with regrouping. Ask your child to show you what they understand!
On Friday, we did a 3-act math task with Oreo cookies where students needed to estimate, and find efficient ways to count.  


Students have been using the desing thinking method to think about a problem in arctic, and then design a house to protect themselve. After learning about heat transfer, insulators, conductors, temperature and melting/freezing, students are considering all that information for their designs. Today students finished their blueprints and gave feedback to each other based on our success criteria. Once they made necessary changes, they started to build their design. 

Please continue checking your email for any updates from Alberta Health and the CBE.  
