Hello Grade 2 Students and Families!

Thank you for all students have completed their 2 tasks this week! I loved reading all of the things that you have been doing over these last few weeks. If you wrote and shared a letter with me, please go and check out my response. If you wrote me a letter, but don't see a response, go up to the right hand side and click "share" and make sure that is is shared with this email: chacraig@educbe.ca (different than my work email). If you have not seen my video I shared with students, please email me and I will send you the link.
Every Monday, your parents will receive a learning plan for the week that includes reading, writing, math, and some choice activities. Also, we will be doing our first video conference on Google Meet! Your parents will receive an email with all the instructions on how to participate in that chat. Please ensure you review the etiquette before our meeting. All the teachers at ROS have been working hard over this past week to get our work set up on these different techology tools. We understand how tricky some of this will be! Please take is slow, and if you have ANY questions regarding the technology, PLEASE ask! We are all learning these tools together. Now that we have worked out the kinks on our end (we think!) we can help you navigate all this new technology as well.
If you have any questions, please email me here:
chacraig@cbe.ab.ca (different than my google account)
I will see you next week!
Ms. Craig :)
Dear families,
We are excited to begin our online learning journey with you. Thank you for providing information about your access to technology this week. This has been very valuable for our planning moving forward.
For now, our weekly lessons will be sent through email and the blog, however in upcoming weeks, we will be transitioning to Google Classroom, a tool that includes many features that will help us best meet the needs of our learners.
Our Google Classrooms have not yet been set up, but we wanted to provide you with your login information, so we are ready to go when you are! See login information below.
For the remainder of this week we are asking students to do two tasks, to get ready for online learning next week.
- Log onto Raz Kids using the username and password that is provided below. Select a book and complete the reading and comprehension
- Kids A-Z Login Instructions
Step 1: Go to www.kidsa-z.com
Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username:
Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart,
Step 4: Your child enters his or her password
- Instructional video link: How To Access Raz Kids Video (https://youtu.be/YvoMey8ExU4)
- Log onto your Google account with your educbe.ca email and password, which is provided below. Have your child open Docs and create a simple letter in response to their teachers message below. Then share it with me.
- Instructions (click on link): Google Suite Instructions
Checklist Due Sunday April 5th, 2020
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